
Strange Sequences
After many years a conversation abruptly reminded me of an event that took place while I was in...
The Private Tiger
Tiger Prabhakar is a popular Kannada film actor who acted in the movies between late 70s and late...
This is not me
I suddenly felt it in the most unexpected place. I was sitting in a room full of people at an...
The Lucky Fish
Majorda, a place in the southern part of Goa has a beach that shares its name. In June, when the...
Schooling and Education
Saqib is an educator from Bengaluru who likes to express himself through cartoons. His cartoons...
Do a prayer while Sun shines
We were told that this is victory We were told that they were important in getting us to this...
A Bittersweet Shankranthi
It was the festival of Shankranti a couple of days back. I was talking to one of my good friends...
Cycle of Violence
I hurt you and you hurt me And we never felt even about it I thought you hurt me more than I did...
A Tiny Blue Beetle
Skanda is a founding member of Centre for Conversations, an educator with a passion for writing...
Death of the Metaphorical Ants
Few years ago I was fully employed. Like most employment demands, my job required that I attend an...
Our Heroes Sell us Tobacco
There are a lot of funny memes and talk about the famous advertisement in which the most popular...
Adversity, Botany and Resilience
The sight of trees growing amidst heavy traffic, construction and demolition sites and roads with...
Magnificently Ordinary
A very good friend of mine runs a small shop that sells various condiments, ice cream, sweet and...
Train of Thought
I would ideally like to be reasonable with friends who identify themselves with a different...
(Middle) Class Apart
As a little boy from a middle class family in the nineties, I do not know if I can say that the...
A Note to Swarathma
I had just entered college to study pure sciences with a bad reputation as a quitter. I had quit...
Happy Birthday to Me…
Happy Birthday to Me... I wanted to write something about childhood when I realised it was...
Persistence and transition We live in the times where one product or a service is offered by...
Writing is not the medium. Writing happens when the writer becomes a medium. My brother Pavan KJ...
Gompa Leh
Hills, not Hills, Mountains… With hardly any vegetation on them. Weather so harsh and extreme that...
Come Over Home
“Come over home anytime. It’s not like I’ll be going anywhere else.” Rasheeda Didi points to...
13 Ways of Looking at a Poem
Why should I forgo what I think or feel about a poem for what a literary theory says about it? It...
Eyes can never have enough of the sea she has borne. They say that the centre of the Earth is a...
Is This A Triumph?
We as a collective have a long journey ahead... Saw a poster on social media of Mamata Banerjee as...
Parenting in a Pandemic
Parenting during this pandemic is starting to feel like mindful
Digital Mobilisation
Digital mobilisation is not enough... 6th October 2018, Caravan Magazine: “How social media was...
An Ode to all Kinds of Friendship
Friendships and relationships need not be standardised Got the news of the passing away of a good...
Discovering the process through the process of discovery Sometimes a break happens Consistency is...
Move and Be Moved
Art is a constant agent of transformation and is the soul's drive to health Cathy Malchiodi I...
With a stronger sense of verbal articulation, I have taken the role of being Ved’s voice for this...
A Dream
Her toes teased the pull my feet lay idle onI was drawn by almond slits that claimed eyesSaw a...
Anam Khaleel's spoken word poetry touches upon every student's dilemma as they prepare to step out...
Dear Covid
Dear Covid 19, As I look outside, I no longer see the world. I see a poor excuse for a world...
Right from the smell of petrichor on its collision with the earth,to the chatter of the streets...
Before & After
Is it a dead end?Saqib Chinoy is a Business consultant who made a U turn towards being an...
Locked Down, Opening Up
Bunny ears, bunny ears, playing by a tree. Cris-crossed the tree, trying to catch me. Bunny ears,...
The Simraankhu Trail
1. All of the day before, I’d walked from Marpha to Lete keeping on the west side of the river, on...
Let Go, Let Life Flow
Namaste, no high five or hug Covid 19 is a contagious bug They say it spreads like wildfire And...
Art Express
In my mind art falls on a spectrum of ‘that which is to be consumed by people’ to ‘that which is...
We are not a Statistic
I believe that emotions and opinions are important aspects of learning. It is important to have...
The Sour Grapes of Higher Education
Power is everywhere, and it is ironic that its manifestation is stark in the institutions which...
I am not in any way directly related to the film industry. I am not a student of a film school. I...
Notes to Myself
The tools of the mind can be wrongly used, but the mind possesses no wrong toolsThe above quote is...
Trek Diary
In the city and at work, I feel as though I never accomplish all that is asked of me. There is...
High Five Bangalore
Manas Sharma digs into his archives to share with us five things he loves about living in the city...
Sometimes I feel like I have no idea what’s happening and sometimes it's like I know it all and I...
Learning Decision
There are things beyond the mind. I feel the mind is just a collection of memories and...
As my final year of high school was coming to an end, I saw all my friends talking about college...
Quality of Conversation
Cartoonist Saqib’s expression pushes us to think about the quality of conversations that exists...
This is the first conversation of the Centre For Conversations (CFC). CFC is a place for...