Exploring Together
The Centre for Conversations wishes to be a melting pot that contains within itself a space that is constantly expanding and including various aspects of the bigger outer world and the universe. This is more of a socio-cultural and psychological space than physical space. A place which believes that the exploration and understanding of life mostly happen through conversations.

Centre for Conversations draws its inspiration from the limitations of institutionalised education. Very often learning spaces have to restrict their conversations within a field due to the pressures of time, compliance to a bigger institution or due to the conditioning of its stake holders. Such an atmosphere threatens the possibility of a holistic understanding. It also falls short in creating a sense of appreciation about the multidisciplinary nature of subjects. Our attempt to create a forum for an exploration that invites people to have conversations without such restrictions is the Centre for Conversations.
Strange Sequences
After many years a conversation abruptly reminded me of an event that took place while I was in...
The Private Tiger
Tiger Prabhakar is a popular Kannada film actor who acted in the movies between late 70s and late...
This is not me
I suddenly felt it in the most unexpected place. I was sitting in a room full of people at an...
The Lucky Fish
Majorda, a place in the southern part of Goa has a beach that shares its name. In June, when the...
Schooling and Education
Saqib is an educator from Bengaluru who likes to express himself through cartoons. His cartoons...
Do a prayer while Sun shines
We were told that this is victory We were told that they were important in getting us to this...
A Bittersweet Shankranthi
It was the festival of Shankranti a couple of days back. I was talking to one of my good friends...
Cycle of Violence
I hurt you and you hurt me And we never felt even about it I thought you hurt me more than I did...
A Tiny Blue Beetle
Skanda is a founding member of Centre for Conversations, an educator with a passion for writing...
Death of the Metaphorical Ants
Few years ago I was fully employed. Like most employment demands, my job required that I attend an...
Our Heroes Sell us Tobacco
There are a lot of funny memes and talk about the famous advertisement in which the most popular...
Adversity, Botany and Resilience
The sight of trees growing amidst heavy traffic, construction and demolition sites and roads with...
Magnificently Ordinary
A very good friend of mine runs a small shop that sells various condiments, ice cream, sweet and...
Train of Thought
I would ideally like to be reasonable with friends who identify themselves with a different...
(Middle) Class Apart
As a little boy from a middle class family in the nineties, I do not know if I can say that the...
A Note to Swarathma
I had just entered college to study pure sciences with a bad reputation as a quitter. I had quit...
Behind the Scenes

Skanda Subramanya
Skanda believes that learning happens in multiple contexts. The journey of understanding life is not restricted to institutions, classrooms, fragmented subjects, scholars and instructors. It is multidimensional and multidisciplinary. His open exploration and dialogue enable this process of inquiry, rather than of academic pursuit.
Skanda is presently a facilitator of learning at a school in Bangalore, primarily involved with Environmental Science and Biology. He is a lover of music, literature, arts, humanities and the intangible learning outcomes they tend to create when one is involved in it.
Facilitator of Learning

Isha Gangoly
Isha Gangoly is a student of design at Srishti Institute of Design, Art & Technology, pursuing Creative Education.
She is a singer, composer and contemporary dancer and is deeply passionate about issues related to the environment and sustainability.
She uses both visual and performing arts as a medium of expression and is keen to explore alternatives to restrictive systems and invest in expansive relations.
Student of Creative Education